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Religious Belief and Marriage concept on East Asia

Time: 14/09/2024   Form: Anonymous   Read: 1616

The religious ideas In East Asia are similar especially in mainland China, Taiwan, Japan.

In terms of religious belief, the mainstream religious in these three regions are all similar Buddhism, which means that people's spiritual belief culture is the same kind.

On marriage concept, East Asia accept factual marriage, take mainland China area as an example, both men and women live together and have children, even if there is no legal registration, it is often regarded as a factual marriage by the society. Once a person has such a de facto partnership, each partner observes a sexual loyalty relationship to the other. But in Taiwan, not necessarily abide by doing so.

The rules constraints in Japan are relatively weak, such as the Pearl Harbor attack in history, the Japanese army launched a sneak surprise attack on the US army, which finally ended in failure.